
Communication Portal

The Challenge / Business Need

Companies often face scattered communication channels leading to information silos, fragmented collaboration, and decreased productivity.

You need to implement a centralised platform that streamlines internal communication, that enables seamless information sharing, real-time updates, and efficient collaboration across teams and departments.

You’re looking to improve employee engagement by providing a hub for important announcements, news, and personalised content.

The solution

Create a more connected and productive work environment by implementing a Communication Portal:

The key features include:

  • Ticker: scrolling text or updates used to showcase important announcements, breaking news or upcoming events.
  • News: share company news, updates and articles, highlight industry trends, success stories or employee news.
  • Birthdays & Work Anniversaries: foster a sense of community, boost morale and acknowledge employee milestones.
  • Classifieds: post advertisements related to buying or selling items, seeking or offering services, lift clubs and other non-work-related information. Encourage employee engagement and provide a platform for informal interactions and networking.
  • Thought for the Day: inspirational or thought-provoking quotes, messages or anecdotes on a daily basis. It aims to inspire and motivate employees, promoting a positive mindset and fostering a conducive work environment.
  • Events Calendar: provides a centralised platform to showcase upcoming events, meetings, training sessions and social activities. This helps employees to stay informed and plan their schedules.
  • Employee Directory: offers a comprehensive database of employee profiles, including contact information, job titles and departments, skills and interests. This facilitates easy searching and accessing of employee information, promoting collaboration and communication.

Are you ready to revolutionise your organisation's communication and collaboration?

Contact us today to embark on your journey towards a more connected and efficient organisation with our SharePoint Communication Portal.

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call us on +27 31 312 7023 or simply
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